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This post talks about how you carry the divine fragrance of intelligence, happiness, and love within yourself. It emphasizes that you don't need to become someone or obtain something to be complete and happy. The post also mentions the absence of beliefs, concepts, ideologies, and imagination. The hashtags used in the post are related to spiritual teachers and practices.

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Real meditation is being in your natural state of consciousness, where no effort is required. It is about giving up the need to do something and just relaxing in your being. This can be difficult because we are addicted to doing and looking for something. Marcos Gualberto offers guidance on how to surrender and be in your natural state of being.

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In Satsang, we approach the direct realization of the Truth about ourselves. Marcos Gualberto invites us to abandon the illusion of the "me" and go beyond frustration, neediness, boredom, and loneliness. This post also includes daily posts in Portuguese and various hashtags related to spirituality and self-discovery.

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In this post, Marcos Gualberto emphasizes that true happiness comes from within and cannot be contaminated by external factors such as desires, projects, intentions, or premeditation. He argues that if happiness came from things, it would be greater with more things, less with fewer things, and completely absent with nothing. The post also includes several hashtags related to spirituality, meditation, and personal growth.

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Self-inquiry involves withdrawing attention from the mind's interests and focusing on the source of everything. By doing so, the egoic mind loses attention and eventually disappears, leaving behind happiness and love. This post also includes hashtags related to mindfulness, meditation, and spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle and Buddha.

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The speech and actions born from Satsang and Consciousness are the overflow of Joy, Freedom, and Happiness. This is the True Art, a direct result of Meditation and the Natural State. Marcos Gualberto's daily posts in Portuguese can be found on his official profile. The post includes various hashtags related to spirituality, such as Advaita, Mooji, and Ram Dass.

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The speeches born in Satsang are not born from frustration, neediness, or the desire for self-expression. They are born from this Silence, from this Consciousness, from this Presence. Kabir, Rumi, and other saints and sages also made poems and songs, but the sages and the saints were not there. This post also includes hashtags related to spirituality and mindfulness.

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